Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wonderful Day - Take TWO!

After the trying, and loooong, attempt at putting the kids down to sleep on Monday they took a good long nap, awoke refreshed and happy, and we continued to have a wonderful day. Our ten-year-old friend from across the street came over to pick up toys (always a treat for my poor back!) and stayed while I got the kids to do their first ever easel-paintings and some finger paintings.

We turned the pink paper plates into the CUTEST bunnies (pics later), and it was fun to blend red and white paint!

This is a momentous occasion... After Many tries, Mr. C. finally has decided that finger-painting is fun after all!

The way they all took to easel painting - it's like they've done it all their lives! 

We continued the wonderful day with lots of playing, singing, laughing, outside time and silliness.

So awesome to see how they are learning to play cooperatively TOGETHER nowadays. 

After the kids had left that evening I reflected that I should acknowledge (at least to myself) that I am doing an incredible job with them. The amount of energy, creativity, and sheer stamina it takes just to provide them with all they need and some they want, is staggering when I think on it. But that isn't what makes me incredible at what I do. What is incredible is that I manage to be cheerful and, most importantly, KIND to them all, even when experiencing the inevitable snafus in life. This is strength from God, for which I pray daily.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you are a amazing! They really do look serious and concentrated at the easel, what an artsy group. Can't wait to see the bunnies.
